Do You Need a Dental Crown Procedure in Topeka, KS?

Shunga Family Dental Offers Tooth Cap Services

Shunga Family Dental Care provides dental crown treatment for Topeka, KS. Is your tooth weak, cracked, or broken? These symptoms are just a few that may indicate a tooth cap is needed. Our dentists have years of experience serving our patients with the highest-quality care. We value treating you and your family with the most up-to-date knowledge and technology in the dental industry. Contact us today for your dental crown needs.

What Is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown fits over a tooth as a cap to reestablish any decayed structure. They are made from composite resin, porcelain, ceramic, or other products. When your tooth is damaged from corrosion, a crack, or a large cavity, we can use dental crowns to treat our patients with renewed function. The mold is similar to your natural enamel for optimal detail, and you won’t even know it is there. Your tooth caps can last a lifetime when taken care of properly.


Dental Crowns in Topeka, KS

How Do You Know If You Need a Tooth Cap?

Dental crowns are needed for several reasons, but they aren’t for everyone. A proper examination will allow your dentist to diagnose and decide if crown treatment is appropriate for you. If you are experiencing the following symptoms, it may be best to schedule an appointment:

  • Discolored Teeth: Tooth crowns can mask discoloration that affects your smile.
  • Oddly Shaped or Crooked Teeth: Crowns aid in equalizing your tooth structure. If one or more of your teeth are shaped differently, these can help balance the unevenness.
  • Short Teeth: Having shorter teeth will cause chewing and biting to be complicated.
  • Cracks and Chips: Cracks and chips will weaken your teeth and can lead to breakage. Applying a crown to your tooth strengthens it and will help prevent it from breaking.
  • Broken Tooth: A dental crown repairs a broken tooth and allows you to bite and chew again correctly.
  • Recent Dental Procedures: When a large filling or root canal impairs the strength of your tooth, adding a crown will create additional strength.


What Is Involved in a Dental Crown Procedure?

There are several steps in performing a dental crown procedure. When you arrive at your initial appointment, your dentist will file your tooth so the crown will easily fit over it. Once this is done, an impression of your mouth will be created and sent to a dental laboratory that develops the tooth cap. You’ll wear a temporary crown for 2 to 3 weeks until your permanent one arrives at the dentist’s office. When it’s in, your dentist will fit and adjust the dental crown before cementing it to your tooth.


How Are Dental Crowns Made?

Dental crowns are made with various materials that range in cost based on type and quality. Depending on the condition of the affected tooth, specific caps will be recommended by your dentist for the best outcome. Crown types include the following:

  • Metal Crowns – Gold-fused metal crowns are incredible for those on a smaller budget. These include caps with copper, nickel, or chromium.
  • All-Ceramic & All-Porcelain Crowns – These are the perfect choice for a more natural look. They are entirely made of porcelain, easily matching your tooth’s color, shape, and size.
  • Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns – You get the best of both worlds with these durable crowns. They provide strength from their metal structure and aesthetics with their porcelain cap.
  • Resin Crowns – Resin crowns are made with filling material. They’re used as a temporary fix until a permanent crown is created.


How Should I Properly Care For My Dental Crown?

Regular brushing, flossing, and visiting our office are essential for proper crown care. There are additional steps you can take for protection. Wear a nightguard if you grind your teeth, so your crown doesn’t crack. If you play a sport or physical activity, use a mouthguard to decrease the chances of a concussion and injury. Avoid chewing on ice cubes and hard, sticky foods that could crack your crown.


Consider Us For Your Dental Crown Needs

Shunga Family Dental Care highly values offering you individualized, compassionate care. To help you return to a standard quality of life, our friendly team is committed to listening to and analyzing your situation. We provide high-standard services, which allows us to have some of the most excellent ratings in the area. As one of our patients, you are the priority for emergencies, and we are flexible with your schedule and payment options. We promise a welcoming and enjoyable environment for families with kids of all ages. Call us for questions or to schedule your visit.